Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Power To Do

Sometimes I wonder what makes some people succeed while the others lag behind. My wondering has led me to believe that there are several ingredients of success. Luck, smartness, discipline and organization are a few. But I think the most significant ingredient is 'The Power To Do'. A lot of people, including myself, come up with these world-changing ideas that we really truly seriously believe will change the world but then we just sit on it. Instead of changing the world we are unable to change ourselves to take a small risk. More than risk is the inertia that impedes progress. There are so many who will think of something and then just do it whether they are successful or not, whether they make money or lose money. Somebody wisely said that 'If you do not speculate, you do not accumulate'. I think life is too short not to speculate. It is good to plan and cover all bases before speculating but it is important to go for an idea that you feel has even a remote chance of success.

The time has come to stop thinking and start doing. Nike inspired a whole generation with the three words - 'Just Do It'. David Allen again made a whole group go crazy with his 'Get That Done' book. It is definitely the time to start doing things no matter there is success or failure...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Vision of Life

As a kid a lot of people ask what do you want to be when you grow up and that question makes the kid think. That thinking results in the vision of life. The kid thinks this is what I will be based on certain values. As the kid learns more about the world around him, the kid refines the vision and in the process defines a set of values by which his life will be governed. The years go by and the kid is now a young man who has just graduated and has a job and a girlfriend. The young man now knows a lot more about the world. The young man thinks there is nothing that can stop him from realizing his vision. Then life happens and without his knowledge the young man spirals down the vortex of failure. A few years down the spiral, the now tired young man thinks what happened, how it can be fixed. But is it too late to spiral all the way back?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

as days go by

as days go by I realize how I am evolving as a person and not always for the better. It is scary at times and it is a lot more scarier at other times. I heard circumstances shape the people. In my case I think that is completely true. It is all about the circumstances when I thought I could isolate myself from anything and everything.....

Friday, March 03, 2006

What is right?

Do you know what is right? I thought I did. We do not think alike and both of us want to be good citizens but still our definitions of right do not align. How is it possible? You can scream at me because my right is not your right. But believe me I did not know that. I thought my right was the only right. The right right.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


i saw a little ant struggling to get out of a pothole of water. it is mesmerizing to see that because we as humans are trying to do the same. The world and its struggles for us are like the potholes of water and we are always trying to stay out of it. Nobody wants to suffer intentionally (except for masochists I guess). But we never think of these struggles as mesmerizing. We get too embroiled in life to take it too seriously. It is only temporary. All this fighting and struggle will come to an end, you like it or not. But the biggest advantage of not giving up the struggle is trying to live richly. Enjoying all the luxuries the life has to offer. And why shouldn't one, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity

Monday, February 13, 2006

Do whatever you want

Is it that tough to think to do something and then do it? I think yes. I am bound by these invisible unknown chains that stop me from doing whatever I want, whenever I want. Some of these chains are there because the society has created them where as some have been created as part of my growing up. I want to play all the time but I have to work. I want to not worry about money but I have to.
I wonder if I am given say a year to do whatever I want, what will I do? I guess will I come out all saturated with all the fun I had or my human need to stay within the bounds make me give up too soon. It would be an interesting exercise but an expensive one. I think some Universities might be interested in pursuing this topic to better understand the human mind. And if they need volunteers, they know where to find me :-)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

always competing.......

where do we get the desire to be competitive? is it in school to do better than the others or is it with siblings? can we run an experiment where we do not encourage someone to be competitive and see where it goes. will that make the person lazy or will that make the person love everyone, not worry about winning (or losing for that matter)? i wonder....