Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Power To Do

Sometimes I wonder what makes some people succeed while the others lag behind. My wondering has led me to believe that there are several ingredients of success. Luck, smartness, discipline and organization are a few. But I think the most significant ingredient is 'The Power To Do'. A lot of people, including myself, come up with these world-changing ideas that we really truly seriously believe will change the world but then we just sit on it. Instead of changing the world we are unable to change ourselves to take a small risk. More than risk is the inertia that impedes progress. There are so many who will think of something and then just do it whether they are successful or not, whether they make money or lose money. Somebody wisely said that 'If you do not speculate, you do not accumulate'. I think life is too short not to speculate. It is good to plan and cover all bases before speculating but it is important to go for an idea that you feel has even a remote chance of success.

The time has come to stop thinking and start doing. Nike inspired a whole generation with the three words - 'Just Do It'. David Allen again made a whole group go crazy with his 'Get That Done' book. It is definitely the time to start doing things no matter there is success or failure...